Verena Son
Interdisciplinary artist/ Digital Media artist |South Korea
My artwork, 'Pressure', reflects my experiences of social anxiety in social life. This AR installation displays this theme through creepy smiling faces that follow the viewer around, triggering feelings of anxiety and frustration as they move. The faces illustrate a suffocating feeling while simultaneously spraying yellow sparks, compelling viewers to focus on the theme.
The installation represents the complexities of social life, where individuals often feel compelled to conform and wear metaphorical masks to maintain their social standing. Even when one wishes to avoid these pressures, there's a constant, forceful need to be aware of one's surroundings and the expectations of others.
As viewers navigate the AR environment, they experience a sense of being watched and judged, mirroring the sensations of social anxiety. The creepy smiles, despite their unsettling nature, echo the societal expectation to always appear happy and composed, regardless of one's true emotional state. This juxtaposition of friendly expressions with an underlying sense of threat creates a palpable tension, inviting viewers to reflect on their own social experiences and the masks they wear in daily life.
Verena Son
Interdisciplinary artist/ Digital Media artist |South Korea
Verena Son is a South Korean interdisciplinary artist born in Gyeonggi-do. She received her BFA in Fine Art, specializing in Painting and Printmaking, from Youngstown State University in Youngstown, Ohio in 2024. Son's work primarily combines traditional painting techniques with digital technologies, including augmented reality and interactive installations. Inspired by her cross-cultural experiences, she integrates diverse media such as video, collage painting, and printmaking to create immersive experiences that transcend cultural and artistic boundaries. Son's art aims to foster connection and accessibility, inviting viewers to participate in a universal visual language that reflects our diverse world.
Fashion, music, film, graphic, illustration, etc.
A group of new cultural experience works created together with artists who can share the realistic feeling of the same era.